As a teenager, I can remember having stories running around in my head like supercharged ants. Seemingly without a pattern and eventually disappearing down a hole somewhere, only for more to come crawling out of different holes. The thing was, I was convinced I could never write anything other than analytical school essays or research reports, so the stories stayed where they were. Cue many years later and I found myself with a lot of spare time on my hands and in need of a new challenge. I decided to do the scariest thing I could think of and started to write The Sentinels - Saving Her.
I use the pen name Cassidy Reyne, and I write romantic suspense novels. My stories have alpha males, sassy women and lots of love, romance and drama. My characters are strong willed, protective, fiercely loyal and willing to do anything for their loved ones. Each novel has a conclusion but in some, there's a lead into the next one in the series with the characters returning to tell you more of their stories and adventures.
Want to connect with me more? You can find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can also email me and let me know what you think about my books. I love to hear from my readers, and I try very hard to answer all your messages.

I am originally from Sweden but have lived in England for many years. I'm happily married and have two grown up children who make me insanely proud every day.
I still have my family around Stockholm and spend as much time as I can there every year. Sitting on a sailboat in the archipelago on a sunny summer's day does wonders for my writing.
Come have a chat with me on Social Media. Send me a message, comment on my posts, give me a like or an emoji of your choice. Be nice, please, I'm not a pretty cryer!
I'm mostly active on Instagram but also on Facebook where I have both a Page and a Profile. I have a Twitter Profile, as well, although I don't pop in there quite as often.